IBX5980432E7F390 Mualim 2 - BLOG PELAUT

Mualim 2



Reports To:
Master,either directly or through the Chief Mate.

In all cases the minimum qualifications for this position will be in accordance with the relevant section of the STCW,Seagoing Qualifications,as issued and amended by the International Maritime Organization.

The Second Mate is responsible to the Master for proper performance and conduct as a watch-keeper and navigator. He is the Mate responsible for the navigation of the ship.When duties involve the handling of cargo or ballast,the Second Mate is responsible to the Master through the Chief Mate.The Second Mate is responsible to the Master for the following;
(a)For keeping a navigational watch;

(b)For keeping a cargo or deck watch in port;
(c)For the preparation of passage plans and for laying courses on the charts as directed by,and for the approval of,the Master;
(d)For ensuring that the latest corrected charts and navigational publications are available for the vessel's projected employment and for keeping them corrected in accordance with the latest information available;
(e)For obtaining the noon position each day and for the preparation of noon summary reports;
(f)For the accurate and timely preparation of the Voyage Report in conjunction with the Chief Engineer;
(g)Operation and maintenance of the vessel’s radio station and GMDSS equipment including catatan of all maintenance repairs to equipment.
(h)For the care and maintenance of all navigational equipment and instruments, and preparation of all reports and catatan associated therewith.This includes but is not limited to the following:
1.Gyro compasses and associated equipment
2.Magnetic compasses and associated equipment
3.Radar and associated equipment and including anti-collision devices
4.Radio Direction Finder(D.F),Global Positioning System(G.P.S.)and Navtex  Receiver
5.Chronometers and clocks
6.Barometers and all meteorological instruments
7.Echo sounders and lead lines;
8.Speed logs
9.Sextants and azimuth mirrors;
10.Navigation lights.

(i)For all non-navigational clocks throughout the ship other than those in the machinery spaces or radio room;

(j)For preparing meteorological reports as required;

(k)For cargo and ballast handling and hold preparation duties as directed by the Chief Mate.
(l)The care and maintenance of the medical locker,and subject to the Masters direction the ordering of medical stores, the compilation of MT.SC 3’s Dispensary Log Book-Accident/Illness Report forms,and First Medical Certificates.

In addition he shall be responsible for the treatment of all illnesses and accidents occurring on board,in accordance with the procedures recommended in the Shipmaster’s Medical Guide,and in consultation with and under the direction of the Master.

2.Repairs and Maintenance
Repairs and maintenance to equipment for which the Second Mate is responsible are to be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.Repairs to electronic equipment for which the Second Mate is responsible will usually be carried out by a shore based technician.The Second Mate is not to attempt major repairs to electronic equipment.

3.Voyage Preparation
Prior to sailing the Second Mate must:

(a)See that the navigational publications and charts required for the voyage are aboard and properly corrected and that all courses are drawn for the Master's approval;

(b)See that all navigational equipment is functioning correctly;

(c)Start the master gyro compass in time for it to settle prior to sailing,check its accuracy and align all the repeaters with the master unit.

The Second Mate is to assist and understudy the Chief Mate.With the assistance of the Chief Mate,must learn to load,distribute and discharge cargo and ballast.

5.Duties on Joining
The Second Mate, upon joining a vessel, shall report to the Master,if he is available, or,if not,to the Officer in charge.The incoming Second Mate shall consult with the Officer he is relieving regarding the items for which he is responsible and shall, at the first opportunity,personally inspect them.Any unsatisfactory conditions discovered shall be reported by the relieving officer to the Master,or in his absence,to the Officer in charge.

All crew members aboard the MT.SC 3’s are responsible for the identification of hazards.Where possible such hazards should be rectified immediately and in all cases recorded in the hazard log.All incidents and near misses shall be recorded in the hazard log.

7.Personal Protective Equipment 
The incumbent shall at all times comply with MT. SC 3’s requirement for minimum Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

8.All crew members shall actively participate in MT.SC 3’s Health and Safety Management and Environmental Protection programs.

9.All crew shall participate in the vessel’s emergency gear testing rounds as required by the Master.

The incumbent is authorized to initiate action,identify and record problems, recommend and implement solutions to ensure non-conformances are corrected. This will be achieved through document QPRO-1.06 “Corrective and Preventive Action”,located in MT.SC 3’s Quality Procedures Manual.

Terjemahan :

Melapor kepada:
Nahkoda,atau langsung ke Mualim Satu.

Keahlian minimum untuk jabatan harus memenuhi syarat STCW,Seagoing Qualifications,sesuai peraturan dari International Maritime Organization.

Tanggung Jawab:
1.Tanggung Jawab
Mualim Dua bertanggung jawab kepada Nahkoda untuk kinerja yang baik dan berperan sebagai perwira jaga dan navigator.Ia adalah Mualim yang bertanggung jawab terhadap navigasi kapal.Ketika ada tugas penanganan muatan atau ballast,Mualim dua bertanggung jawab kepada Nahkoda melalui Mualim Satu. 
Mualim Dua bertanggung jawab kepada Nahkoda untuk;

(a)Pengawasan Navigasi;

(b)Pengawasan muatan atau dek di pelabuhan;

(c)Mempersiapkan rencana pelayaran  dan merancang jalur lintasan di tabel sesuai pengarahan dan persetujuan dari Nahkoda. 

(d)Memastikan tersedianya tabel yang telah dikoresi dan pengumuman tentang pelayaran untuk penempatan tenaga kerja diatas kapal serta selalu menyesuaikan informasi tersebut dengan perkembangan terbaru;

(e)Mencari posisi tengah hari setiap harinya dan membuat laporannya;

(f)Bersama dengan KKM membuat laporan pelayaran yang akurat dan tepat waktu;

(g)Pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan stasiun radio kapal dan perlengkapan GMDSS termasuk arsip dari semua pekerjaan perbaikan perlengkapan.

(h)Perawatan dan pemeliharaan semua instrumen dan perlengkapan navigasi serta pembuatan laporannya.Perlengkapannya adalah sebagai berikut namun tidak semua dimuat disini:
1.Kompas-Giroskop dan Perlengkapan yang berkaitan;
2.Kompas magnet dan Perlengkapan yang berkaitan;
3.Radar dan Perlengkapan yang berkaitan, termasuk alat anti tabrharus; 
4.Radio Penemu Arah (D.F), Sistem Posisi Global ( G.P.S.)dan Navtex Receiver;
5.Kronometer dan jam;
6.Barometer dan semua instrument meteorogikal;
7.Echo sounders dan lead lines;
8.Speed logs;
9.Cermin ukuran sudut dan Sektan;
10.Lampu Navigasi.

(i)Penggunaan jam non-navigasi diseluruh kapal kecuali kamar mesin atau kamar radio.

(j)Membuat laporan meteorogikal sesuai perintah;

(k)Penanganan muatan dan balast serta mempersiapkan tugas-tugas yang diperintahkan Mualim Satu.

(l)Perawatan dan pemeliharaan  lemari medis (Pemesanan obat-obat sesuai perintah Nahkoda),kompilasi dari Buku Catatan Apotik MT.SC 3,Formulir laporan Kecelakaan/penyakit,dan Sertifikat Medik Pertama. 

Mualim Dua harus bertanggung jawab untuk perawatan semua penyakit dan kecelakaan yang terjadi diatas kapal sesuai prosedur dalam Shipnahkoda’s Medical Guide, dan hasil konsultasinya dengan dan dalam pengarahan Nahkoda.

2.Perbaikan dan Pemeliharaan
Perbaikan dan pemeliharaan perlengkapan harus dilaksanharus sesuai instruksi pabrik pembuat kapal.Perbaikan perlengkapan elektronik biasanya harus dilaksanharus oleh teknisi di darat.Mualim Dua tidak diperkenankan melakukan perbaikan perlengkapan elektronik secara menyeluruh. 

3.Persiapan Pelayaran
Sebelum berlayar,Mualim Dua harus:
(a)Memastikan pengumuman tentang pelayaran dan tabel untuk pelayaran tersedia diatas kapal dan sudah dikoreksi, serta rencana jalur yang telah disetujui Nahkoda;

(b)Memastikan semua perlengkapan Navigasi berfungsi dengan baik;

(c)Mengaktifkan kompas-giroskop sebelum berlayar,memeriksa keakuratannya dan menyesuaikan semua repeaters dengan unit Nahkoda.

Mualim Dua membantu Mualim Satu dan menjadi penggantinya sewaktu-waktu. Dia harus belajar dari Mualim Satu mengenai memuat,mendistribusikan dan membongkar muatan dan ballast.

5.Tugas pada saat bergabung
Mualim Dua harus melapor kepada Nahkoda atau Perwira yang berwenang ketika bergabung diatas kapal.Mualim Dua harus berkonsultasi kepada perwira yang dia gantikan mengenai perlengkapan yang merupharus tanggung jawabnya.Segala kesalahan yang ditemukan harus dilaporkan oleh perwira yang diganti kepada Nahkoda,atau perwira lain yang sedang bertugas.

Semua anggota kru MT.SC 3 bertanggung jawab untuk memeriksa adanya bahaya dan harus ditangani secepat mungkin. Semua kecelakaan dan ancaman kecelakaan harus dicatat dalam Catatan Kecelakaan.

7.Perlengkapan Perlindungan Perorangan
Nahkoda wajib mematuhi persyaratan minimum MT.SC 3 mengenai Perlengkapan Perlindungan Perorangan.

8.Semua kru wajib untuk ambil bagian dalam Program Kendali Kesehatan dan Keselamatan serta Perlidungan Lingkungan dari MT.SC3.

9.Semua kru wajib ambil bagian dalam pengujian perlengkapan darurat kapal seperti yang diperintahkan Nahkoda.

Nahkoda diberi hak untuk memulai tindakan identifikasi dan mencatat permasalahan,memberi saran dan menerapkan solusi agar segala kesalahan dapat diperbaiki.Hal ini harus tercapai melalui dokumen QPRO-1.06 "Corrective and Preventive Action",yang terdapat dalam Manual Prosedur Mutu MT. SC3.

Contoh Manual Prosedur Mutu Kapal (SC3) 

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